Friday, April 2

The MAD Awards

I follow the blog of TheMadhouse and MummyMad always has something interesting to say.

The Mads are holding a Mummy and Daddy (MAD) Blog Awards, celebrating the utter brilliance of British parent blogs. So if you know someone worthy of a MAD award (and there are prizes) please click the picture award link to the left there and nominate the blog you think deserves to be shortlisted for the awards. There are several categories (the list is below). You might notice in this list is a photography category. [wink] so if anyone feels like nominating my blog in this category, I'd be humbly grateful. Although I've been blogging for a while, I'm still fairly new to the blogging community and I don't really know that many people (yet) but my list of blogs to read regularly is growing very fast. I can't believe how many people blog and share their lives. So I'm going to go and make my nominations for the awards, and I hope you will do the same :) Happy voting. 

The Award Categories are:

Most Innovative MAD Blog

Best MAD Family Fun Blog

Funniest MAD Blog

Best-Looking MAD Blog

Best MAD Baby Blogger

Best New MAD Blog

Most Inspirational MAD Blog

Best MAD Blog Photography

Best MAD Blog Writer
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