Wednesday, November 18

Nosey Parker?

I may have been accused in my time of being a nosey parker.

I'm not a nosey parker in the 'gossip' sense of the word. I don't think nosey is the right word. Interested in people? Yep, that's more suitable.

I've always read auto-biographies of famous people. Their lives interest me. They live a completely different life to me and I am interested in that. I know that they eat, sleep and (to be polite) use the loo, the same way we all do, but it's the intreague in where they were at before they got famous, what they went through to get famous and what life was like during (and sometimes after) they were famous. (This is leading somewhere, honest).

Some of the best auto-biographies I've read are

Boy George; a fascinating insite to a very gregarious lifestyle before and during the height of his reign in Culture Club, the fallings out with the band members and his changed outlook on life when he got into buddism and a 'clean' lifestyle.

David Lee Roth; The lead singer with Van Halen - typical rock and roll lifestyle, drink, drugs and women, but in reality, a very lonely man. Excellent Book.

George Micheal; Yet another mixed up star. An emotional but very enjoyable book.

There have been loads more but these were the ones I particularly enjoyed. The most recent book I read was by Slash of Guns n Roses. What a complete headcase! drink and drugs to the max. Everyone thought it was Axl Rose who was the alco-druggie... nope, it was Slash and what a book!

But these days, it has become so easy to stalk celebrities, erm, I mean get an insight into celebrity lifestyles, in the form of Twitter. If you're not familiar with Twitter, what's wrong with you???? it is a status update website where you have 140 characters to write what you are thinking or how you feel, or leave a message in reply to someone you are stalking following. Now this only really works if you follow famous people and celebs. These include rich and famous iconic celebs and also celebs of the TV. I follow too many to mention, but I decided that I was going to get as many famous people as I could to reply to my 'tweet'. OK, so I started off quite low down the ranks of celebdome... but you've got to start somewhere eh?

I have now had personal tweet's or direct messages from:

Robert Llewellyn, better known as Kryten from Red Dwarf. (regularly tweet to each other now LOL)
Danny John-Jules, aka The Cat from Red Dwarf. Had an afternoon of conversation, plus other tweets since
Bill Bailey - excellent comedian
Suzi Perry (MotoGP comentator and Gadget Show presenter). She even answered my question about the MotoGP riders, who is the nicest, sexiest, funniest and her fave.
Jason Bradbury - also the gadget show
John Bentley - again, the gadget show.

methinks it might be time to start aiming a bit higher on the celeb ladder LOL

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