Wednesday, June 9

How did that happen?

My eldest daughter is 25 today! How on earth did 25 years just vanish so quick?

I'm still a young(ish) Mum at 41 and having a 4 year old keeps me young I think. But 25?!?! 

Eve was born in 1985 when I was still only 16 years old. I was at college in Sheffield studying on a bakery and confectionary course. Every morning on the train, I'd throw up in those tiny little train loo's. I had no idea I was pregnant. I was on the pill afterall.. it never entered my head. Mum and I thought that the over-tiredness was due to the hour journey each way to Sheffield and back every day. It carried on, I didn't acclimatise. I went to the doctors. I was shocked to find out that I was 4 and 1/2 months pregnant. I had to go home and tell my parents. OMG! How on earth do you do that at 16 years old? I was given all the options, I chose to keep the baby. My beautiful, healthy baby girl was born weighing 7lbs 9 oz, 6 weeks before I turned 17. How could I not keep this wonderful tiny miracle? Social workers etc all came and sat around my bed and told me I could give my baby up for adoption and they could take her straight away. How could I give something away that I fell in love with instantly? They wouldn't leave me alone. Having a baby at 16 years old, 25 years ago was taboo. It wasn't done. You can't have single mothers walking around, it's wrong! They did everything they could to persuade me to give her up. In the end, my Dad had to put his foot down and tell them all where to go.

I think I did a pretty good job of raising my baby. She has never been in trouble with the police, she has never got into trouble for drinking or drug taking. We had a few very tough teenage years but we got through them. When she turned 21, she became a human being LOL, and one of the nicest human beings you could wish to meet. The teenage angst and problems made her the adult she is. She understands life can be pretty shit at times. She knows that I have always, and will always be there for her when the chips are down. She works hard, has never been unemployed and has a very good relationship with her boyfriend, and they are planning to get married. 

Eve has and has always had her own ideas, and most of them are in cuckoo land, but that's just Eve. We accept that, and she's happy living there. Her bills are paid, she eats ok so what does it matter which land or planet her ideas are on.

She is a beautiful girl, whom we all love very much. I just wish she didn't live so far away that we rarely get to see her.

My beautiful baby girl, Eve. Happy 25th birthday sweetie xxxxx