Wednesday, December 16

One more thing to worry about...

As your kids get older you're supposed to worry less.... erm, wrong!

My 19 year old son passed his driving test a few weeks ago and bought his first car. My initial panic over him being out on the roads wore off quite quickly, but tonight he's driving to a gig to see a quite large and popular band... in Manchester! My little boy is going to be on the busy motorways heading to Manchester, and then drive through Manchester city centre, at night where there'll be loads of other people going to the gig, and of course, the same journey home. I'm used to him pottering around the streets locally, but this is Manchester! Even I won't drive around Manchester. (did I mention it's Manchester?)

arghhhhhh. I'll be a nervous wreck by the time he gets home tonight, although I tried to give an air of calm as he left and I told him to drive safe and keep away from the other idiots on the road LOL. he rolled his eyes and said "Yes Mum".

Groan - LOL

I can't really think of much to write today apart from one issue that is really pee'ing me off, and I'm not going to put that here, so to alleviate the steam coming out of my ears (oh and it's not hubby that's caused the issue this time LOL) I thought I'd share some really corny, 'groan' jokes.


What do clouds wear under their shorts?


What do you call a man with no arms or legs who gets into a fight with his cat?


A baby seal walks into a club...
(I'm sorry, but it made me laugh)

How much does a pirate pay for corn on the cob?

A buccaneer!

What does a cannibal do after dumping his girlfriend?

Wipes his butt.

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?


Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep?

Because of his coffin.

Two atoms are walking down the street together. The first atom turns and says, "Hey, you just stole an electron from me!"

"Are you sure?" asks the second atom.

To which the first atom replies, "Yeah, I'm positive!"

How does the man in the moon cut his hair?

Eclipse it

What game would you play with a wombat?


What did 0 say to 8?

Nice belt!

There’s two fish in a tank. One turns to the other and says

‘You man the guns, I’ll drive’
