Tuesday, December 15

Head in the oven

I have spent most of today with my head in the oven. It's ok, it's electric LOL

I was heating up the oil for the roast potatoes and for some unknown reason, I pulled the shelf out instead of the tray to put the spuds in. Hot oil slid all down the back of the oven and onto the oven base. I mopped it up as best I could but of course, the next time I heated the oven I could smell hot burning oil.. yeuk! So I enlisted the help of good old Mr Muscle.

Wow this stuff is dangerous! Do not get it on your skin, if you do you will melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West if you don't wash it off your skin right away.

So I sprayed it all on, waited the half an hour, donned the rubber gloves up to my armpits lest a stray globule should drop onto my skin and wiped away this horrible black treacle like substance out of my oven. Now I have never claimed to be any good at housework, in fact there are a billion and one things I'd prefer to do than housework, like watch paint dry for instance... but when needs must. I really expected the 'cillit bang' kind of cleaning, on ewipe and the grime is gone. erm.. no. two more applications later and the house stinking rank of chemicals and it's still not fetched it all off. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Well, it's going to stay like that a bit longer, at least the crust on the bottom of the oven is thinner than it was when I started. You can almost see through the glass door now, but I'm sure that was smoked glass when I started LOL


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Any chance you could pop over to mine? I haven't cleaned my oven for a long time. And the Aga hasn't been cleaned for decades!!

    CJ xx

  2. That all sounds a bit like our oven - cleaning it has to be one of the worst jobs in the world. The bathroom I can put up with but the oven is a no go area. I've asked the mother to come and clean it for Christmas! lol

  3. When I read the heading to this post I got worried!
    I got my oven professionally steam cleaned earlier this year. It wasn't exactly cheap but it looked brand new afterwards. It got rid of all that gunge in the bits you can't reach and because it's all done by steam, no chemically smells. I nearly expired after inhaling Mr MUscle oven cleaner fumes once - honestly, i thought my end had come!!

  4. When I read the heading to this post I got worried!
    I got my oven professionally steam cleaned earlier this year. It wasn't exactly cheap but it looked brand new afterwards. It got rid of all that gunge in the bits you can't reach and because it's all done by steam, no chemically smells. I nearly expired after inhaling Mr MUscle oven cleaner fumes once - honestly, i thought my end had come!!
